Since I started, just over a year ago, I have been cleaning things out. Getting rid of things that are not necessary like outdated books and other clutter. Plus, I’ve been discovering a lot as well. Did you know that we had a large cupboard full of games and puzzles in the back of the library? Most folks didn’t.

When we made the decision to update our computers to laptops, it left us with quite a bit of open space in the middle of the library. We purchased some game and puzzle shelves so that we could bring all the ones hidden away in the cupboard out into the light and public eye. We have quite a few and all of them can be checked out and used at your home for family game night or a gathering of friends.

But when we started bringing these games and puzzles out into the world from their cozy cupboard, we decided to create the board game club. Board game club is for folks of all ages. We’ll adjust the game to each meeting’s attendees. We encourage you to stop into the Wilton Public Library and play some games with us. We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4:00 pm. New players are always welcome and if there is something specific you want to try, let us know and we’ll try to get it for the next meeting.

See you at the Library!